

Internship 〰️

OkCupid Product Design Internship

ROLE: Intern

TOOLS: Figma | Miro | Jira | Confluence | | Optimal Workshop

What Did I Do?

In the summer of 2022, I completed a 3 month Product Design internship with OkCupid, one of the pioneers of online dating. I worked closely with OKC’s Product team to create new user experiences and features. In doing that, I got to do the following:

  • Conducted competitive research to understand table stakes feature sets and pinpoint whitespace opportunity.

  • Set up and analyzed usability and concept tests through to ensure prototypes resonated with users.

  • Produced user journey maps, edge cases, and user scenarios to assist with development for a new company product.

  • Produced user-centric prototypes and mid-fidelity designs for desktop and app platforms.

  • Presented a preliminary product pitch to an audience of approximately 30 stakeholders including the VP of Diversity and Inclusion, Director of Research, Diversity and Inclusion Lead, and Product Managers.

Towards the end of the internship I got to showcase, pitch, and design a presentation with 2 other cross-functional stakeholders during a half-day product accessibility hackathon using Figma, Google Suite, and Zoom.

What Did I Learn

During the internship I learned so much in regards to user centered design principles, accessibility, user research, project flows and so much more. I honed my prototyping, wire-framing, and high-fidelity design skills. I got to work on some amazing projects during my time at the company.

The Main Project

The main product that I worked on was a new data insights feature. These data insights served to increase match rates and provide daters data backed information about another user.


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